Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Fiery Furnaces

My new favorite band. Well, not really, but I just recently got into them and think they're pretty ace. I know, I know, I'm late in the hipster-Pitchfork-bandwagon. I did definitely heard of them back then, I just didn't actually listen the first time. Should anyone care? No. On to the music!

As most people already know, The Fiery Furnaces are the oddball brother and sister duo of Matthew and Eleanor Friedberger, joined live by Jason Loewenstein (of Sebadoh fame), Bob D'Amico, and Michael Goodman. They're Brooklyn based but came from the suburbs of Chitown. They pump out weird indie music that's a feast to listen to. And I think I read somewhere that there's a rumor that Eleanor is going out with that Alex Kapranos dude of faggy Franz Ferdinand. Whatevs, it doesn't matter. Listen to their first album, Gallowsbird's Bark, and be caught on the Furnaces' awesome mishmash of lush goodness, original songwriting, dirty blues passages, and clever wordplay... back when they were yet to be affected by the buzz they got afterward.

Also I would like to add that Eleanor looks like a hot version of Feist. And our boy Matt has this strange John Mayer vibe going on. I fucking hate John Mayer.

The Fiery Furnaces - Gallowsbird's Bark

download here