Monday, November 24, 2008

A double post: Courtney Love and July

Yes, I'm posting two bands that rule because Cici is being a slacker, or at least his internet connection is (except when it comes to the latest Gossip Girl episodes, hell yeah). Shit he uploads won't come through for the team and so I'm picking up the ball. He is gonna post some pretty righteous stuff in the coming future (2012), and with the rate this is going, he goddamn better! Ok, now that I stopped pretending that anyone reads this shit...

Someone fast enough would notice that girl in the picture is not The Widow, the crack addict that killed Kurt--allegedly. That my friends is Lois Maffeo, and together with Yoyo Recordings founder Pat Maley, built the band Courtney Love. The name is a mere coincidence.

They were a band from 1990-91 and after releasing three 7" singles and a bunch of compilation tracks, went their seperate ways. What they left us though are awesome inide pop gems.

Lois Maffeo then went and made a solo career as Lois and sometimes collaborated as a drummer and back-up for different people and bands. Wiki says she worked with Donna Dresch, Molly Neuman, Elliott Smith, Brendan Canty, Heather Dunn, Dub Narcotic Sound System, Red Stars Theory, etc etc etc. But I dunno, wiki might be lying. Won't be the first time. What I'm sure about is this: These singles are far better than the shit coming out these days. SO enjoy it. And when you hear her name attached to something (ie. The Olympia Film Festival) don't have second thoughts supporting her.

Courtney Love - Three 7" Singles

download here


Look how totally baked those dudes are! Righteous!

Now, these cats are July. And instead of writing something up I'll go copy pasta what it says on because I'm getting lazy:

July was a psychedelic rock group based in the U.K. They issued a self titled album in 1968 which is now a highly sought after rarity. A compilation of home demos, “The Second of July”, was issued in 1998. Tracks like “My Clown”, “Dandelion Seeds”, “Jolly Mary”, and “You Missed It All” are considered some of the better psychedelic songs of the era.

Catch all that? Then better get to it then brah. Just think The Beatles circa Magical Mystery Tour or Rubber Soul or one of those trippy albums they made. Its that good. DO IT.

download here


Monday, November 17, 2008


Do you listen to Earthless? Why the hell not? Get with the program!

I'll post a video, but 20 minute psychedelic stoner jams are like, I dunno, not backed by youtube. Lamezzz. Have I told you also that Ruby Mars plays drums in this? Punkers would know the name, but for the rest of you, homeboy played with Rocket From the Crypt, Hot Snakes, Black Heart Procession, and was the drummer of seminal band Clikatat Ikatowi. Yes. They also call their jamming into outerspace, "cosmic nodding." You should definetly pack a huge bowl when listening to this radass badboy.

If you're a fan of Black Sabbath or Japanese Psychedelia or both, then you're probably already listening to this. If not, then you're failing in life.

Click here and melt your mind.