Saturday, September 27, 2008

Giant Drag

Surprise motherfucker! That's mostly directed to Francis, the dude running Enjoy the Teeth (amongst other things). I'm officially fulfilling my job as a contributor to this site, because quite frankly, I have zilch to do and my friend who was suppose to be here right now drinking and watching Frisky Dingo with me stood me up yet again (way to not answer your phone PJ, you cunt).

Anyway, enough of my trite meanderings. On to the music...

Ah Annie, how we love thee. Since I've been snooping around the interwebs (with no such luck) for Giant Drag's acoustic session in GTFU Radio (an awesome internet radio program with Annie... listen to that here) I thought why not share their Hearts and Unicorns album to the uninitiated.

First off, Giant Drag is Annie Hardy. It used to be Annie Hardy and Micah Calabrese, but Micah just recently quit the band. So its just Annie now. Giant Drag plays awesome music period, and tagging it with a lame as shit genre like nu-grunge or some other NME-ism would be a great disservice, it would be better if you listen to it yourself, then call me later thanking me because you just found a band that saved your life. Un-mopey indie rock that's in your face and not singing about "the new year" or "NYC" or all those other indie fag fanfare. Take for example their song YFLMD (You Fuck Like My Dad -- probably the best song title ever): a repetitive, distorted guitar that pierces during the verse, paired with sudden bursts of noise, both from Annie's guitar and Micah's drums and synth combo (you should see him do it, its really fucking good), it can only be described as "dancey," that is if your idea of dancing is filled with heroine needles. Junkie indie rock it is!

She was just recently been dropped from Interscope's faux indie label Kickball Records, and she's a better person because of it. Goes to show how major labels would fuck you in the ass the first chance they would get (sidenote: yes that's WOULD, because I'm sure as hell that they'll get the chance as soon as you sign your soul on that dotted line). Although, knowing Annie's stance against "piracy," I know she won't like you, the listener, to be getting her music through the internet "illegally." But hey, since she won't get paid for Giant Drag's major label debut (and hopefully, reassuringly, last) she won't be pissed if you download this indie gem off from this site. That is if you buy stuff off her hands in Giant Drag's ebay store. Or if you have deep pockets, you could totally donate money to the Giant Drag Relief Fund so she could make another album (an EP is on the works with the help of gracious fans, friends, enablers, etc.) and you know, eat. So go do that homeboy, I would, but I have zero bucks right now. Although, in my defense, I'm sending her an email right after I finish this post asking if she'll be cool with pesos rather than dollars. Yes, I'm serious. I actually support and help out bands that deserve to be helped. You better do the same. Let's help save rock and roll and save Giant Drag, and in turn, save ourselves.

PS. The hyperliterate mothereffers in the My Bloody Valentine forums were trashing GD because some backwards publications were comparing them to their beloved band-crush. No.1 if you're too much of a dickbrain to listen to NME then I'm pretty sure you don't know jack shit about anything. And no.2, you deserve to be shot in the face. Multiple times.

PPS. There's a surprise once you finished dl-ing that shit, so get to it! Oh and remember to click on those links for GD's ebay store and relief fund and spend money when you do so. The download link isn't actually mine btw, so if ever the link dies, just leave a comment or something. I'll re-up it. I'm just too lazy to up it now myself.

download here

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